Construction and Engineering Group
Industry Coverage

Procana’s Construction and Engineering Group is actively providing country-specific advisory services to a wide range of public and private sector clients.

By utilizing Procana’s country-specific understanding of regulatory environment and senior-level relationship with local construction development regulatory authorities our clients have access to a wide range of specialized services in land development and zoning, public sector sponsored commercial construction engagements, mergers and acquisitions in heavy industries, capital raising for development projects, and corporate sustainability strategies unique to our clients’ target mark.

Specific to the European market, Procana’s Construction and Engineering Group has developed a unique package of consulting services predicated around public-private collaboration in commercial development engagements, publicly owned distressed assets in various industries, and capital raising for large-scale development projects.

Specific to the market in Africa and the Middle East, Procana’s Construction and Engineering Group has a proven track record of providing specialized engineering consulting services to highly visible government sponsored infrastructure development initiatives, large scale structural engineering projects, and highly specialized concrete analysis services for industrial level structural maintenance programs.